Sliding glass doors are a common feature in today’s homes. They allow lots of light into the home while providing easy access to backyards, decks, and balconies. Unfortunately, sliding glass doors offer very easy access into a home, so you must always strengthen sliding glass doors.
They Have Poor Locking Systems. The latches that come with sliding glass doors do not offer the level of security that a good deadbolt does. These latches are notoriously easy to open.
Sliding Doors Are on Tracks. Because sliding glass doors are on tracks, not hinges, thieves can easily remove them. With nothing more than a crowbar, an experienced thief can lift the door off the track.
They Have Lots of Glass. Sliding glass doors feature large single plates of tempered glass that intruders can break. And, when tempered glass breaks, it doesn’t break into large dangerously sharp pieces. Instead, it shatters into tiny pieces with no sharp edges, that intruders can easily step over without injury.
Glass Doors Are Like Shop Windows. They let in a lot of light, but they also create a lovely view – from the outside in! They let potential thieves see exactly what you have inside, and what might make your home an appealing target.
They Are Often in The Back of the House. We usually see sliding doors in the back or on the side of the house, overlooking the yard. Therefore, they are not visible from the street. They may also have shrubbery or fences near them that make it hard for neighbors to see when an intruder is trying to get in.
Install Better Locks. There are locks that can be attached at the top or bottom of the door. These locks have a bolt that slides up into the door frame, or down into the floor. Once the bolt is engaged, these locks are secured with a key, so no one can move the bolt. Double bolt locks are also effective.
Add One-Way Film to the Glass. To allow you to look out, but prevent others from looking in, you can place one-way film on the door glass. People on the outside see a mirror, while people on the inside can see out. These films are generally only effective during the day, so you will probably need blinds or curtains at night.
Install Laminated or Impact Glass Panes. Laminated glass consists PVB clear plastic fused between two or more pieces of glass. If someone breaks the glass, the PVB sheet will not break, and the glass will not fall to the ground. In order to continue to break in, a burglar will have to cut through the film, and that is usually enough to discourage him from continuing. Impact-resistant glass is meant to withstand the force of an object being thrown at the window by hurricane-force winds. If a window can withstand something hitting it at 100 miles an hour, it is not going to easily break for a burglar!
When it comes to home safety, you should always call in the pros! Let a licensed locksmith help you choose and install the appropriate security features and locks for your sliding doors. These techniques will only work if they are done right.