If you own a home, you may have a yard. A yard is a beautiful extension of your interior living space. It can be a joy to use in pleasant weather. Many of us who are fortunate enough to have pretty outdoor space go to great expense to decorate it with landscaping and furnish it with chairs, tables, and grills. Some people even have outdoor kitchens! When we lock up our homes at night or when we are away, we protect what’s inside the home. However, how can we protect outdoor furniture that is sitting out in the open?
If you have ever bought patio furniture, then you know it can be very expensive. And, we are not talking the very high-end items that decorate the pool decks of the rich and famous. Any ordinary well-constructed outdoor furniture and equipment can cost thousands of dollars. And, it is sitting there, on display and unprotected. There are, however, steps you can take to help protect your outdoor furniture.
This is definitely the most physically proactive step you can take to protect your furniture. If it is at all possible, lock your furniture to some immoveable place. If your furniture sits on a concrete patio, you can have someone anchor it to the floor. If you have a covered porch with support pillars, you can attach the furniture to these. You will need to use a good quality steel cable or chain, secured with a quality padlock. You might think this won’t look nice, but it will look much nicer than the view out your window of an empty yard!
Installing security cameras will not make it physically harder for people to steal your outdoor furniture, but it will make it hard for them to do it unnoticed. Often, the presence of well-placed security cameras is enough to send a thief to another potential location with fewer obstacles. Make sure your cameras are hung professionally and cover all the areas you need to see.
There are few conditions burglars like more than the cover of darkness. When a thief strikes in the night and the street and yard are dark, he can get away with no trouble at all, as long as he doesn’t make noise. Keep your yard lit up at night. If you don’t want to have lights on all night long because they will disturb people sleeping, or to save on electricity, install motion-activated floodlights. These are great, because the sudden appearance of the light can startle the would-be thief and alert you to an intruder.
Privacy fences help in several ways. First, they make it difficult for people to scope out what you actually have. Second, even if they know what you have, it will be logistically difficult to get it out of the yard. Because there are people who will scale fences, it’s best to have gate locks on your fence gates that require keys from both the outside of the yard and the inside of the yard. After all, you don’t want to have fenced in the yard only to leave an easy way out for someone who has climbed over your fence. A residential locksmith near me helped choose and install the right lock.
If you don’t have a fence and can’t or don’t want to install one, then make sure your landscaping and shrubbery don’t provide protective cover to a burglar. Make sure people coming and going from your yard can be clearly seen by people on the street and by your next-door neighbors. It’s always a good idea to have a relationship with all the neighbors around you. You don’t need to be best friends; just know everyone well enough that they will care a little more if they see something happening at your home. A little good will goes a long way!