Lock N More has a wide range of OEM keys for virtually any make, year and model car or truck. We’ll come to you to replace and program your transponder key on the spot.
The word transponder is a combination of the words transmitter and responder. In automotive terms, the transponder, or chip, key is the simplest form of electronic car key. After 1995, most new cars were designed with this type of key. It combines a traditional cut key shaft, that must be inserted in a lock, with a small, radio frequency (RF) transmitter in the key’s head.
Today’s cars have electronic devices called immobilizers. These add an additional layer of theft-protection, because the car won’t start if the correct key is not there. This is an especially important deterrent to hot-wiring, because the immobilizer prevents the car from operating without the key.
When the correct radio signal is transmitted by the transponder key, the car’s computer disables the immobilizer and allows the car to start. This communication with the car’s computer is the only electronic function of a transponder key. These devices do not have any push-button remote controls on them to open and lock doors or start the engine.
Like all electronic devices, over time your transponder key is liable to fail. If it happens when the key is still new, it could be a defect. It can also happen if somehow the key loses its programming and can no longer “tell” the car that it is the correct key. Whatever the reason, in some cases, you can try to reprogram your existing key, or, you may need to purchase a new one and have it programmed to your car.
If you decide to purchase a new key and have it programmed, please do not buy one online. Some of these replacement keys are made with refurbished chips from other cars, and are, having been programmed once, they are now “locked” and cannot be reprogrammed to another car.
Your best option is to call Lock N More. We have a wide range of OEM keys for virtually any make, year and model car, and we can replace your car key and program it for you, as well!